Nowadays , Communication skills is very important because in our everday life we communicate to say our thoughts and opinions.We learn different model's of communication in our subject ORAL COMMUNICATION.
What are the models of communication?
1.Aristotle's Model of Communication
In this model of communication there is only one speaker, he/she delivers speech to audience then there is an effect to the audience .This model is obviously used in delivering speeches and any deliveration which is there is monly one speaker.
2.Berlo's Model of Communication
In this communication there is a source which means this is the one who creates the message or the information, the message is the information made by the sender, channel is the medium used by the sender or the receiver, the receiver is the one who accepts the message they can also response to the sender.
3.Shannon Weaver Model of Communication
In this model of communication is also known as the" mother of all models". the information source is made by the sender then the transmitter encodes the message (encoder), then the channel is the signal used in communication where there is a noise between the lines produced by the environment, then there is the decoder who receives the message to be passed to the receiver.
4.Hellical Model of Communication
In this model of communication hellical comes from the word helix which means an object having a three dimensional shape like that of a wire wound uniformly around a cylinder or a cone.The communicator here starts at the bottom of the hellical structure which means it only has few knowledge about a certain topic then when he/she grows that knowledge became wider just like this model shows.
5. Schramm's Model of Communication
Schramm's Model of Communication was postulated by Wilbur Schramm in 1954, where he suggested that communication is a two way process where both sender and receiver take turns to send and receive message.